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Arising To Serve

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RELEASED: January 1st 2004
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:46:00
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Devotional Music
GENRE: Children's Music, Devotional, World/International

This is Mana's second recording. This album is the service they decided to undertake as a result of their participation in the Ruhi Study circles. They hope that this resource will aid others to memorize the sacred texts found in Ruhi Book 2: Arising To Serve.

Produced by Colin Webber and Tara Makirere.
Arranged and programmed by Colin Webber at Aural Sculpture - Brisbane.
Vocals recorded at Nasty Studios - Brisbane
Instrumentals played and played by Colin Webber
Live Traditional Drums: MANA, Ukulele: Tara
All music, lead vocals and harmonies composed and arranged by Tara Makirere.
All lyrics in this album are taken from the Baha'i Writings found i Book 2 Arising to Serve of the sequence of courses developed by the Ruhi Institute.
Cover design: Collis Ta'eed
MANA members: Anthony & Seinia Luki, Steven, Toa & Christina Ma'aelopa, Maire Makirere & Tara
Makirere, Jonathon Tumupu, Tuaine & Marie Unuka

Mana - Arising To Serve

Starting at: $1.29

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