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Ancient Beauty

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RELEASED: January 1st 1981
LABEL: UMP Records - Philo/Rounder Records
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:36:20
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Inspired Music
GENRE: World / International, Jazz, New Age

World fusion music reflecting jazz, classical, folk and worldwide musical influences performed on instruments from around the globe.

Our music strives to express the appreciation we feel for the great diversity of musical elements in the world that may be combined to create a sound that synthesizes the East and the West, the old and the new. We see a universal art being born in this day, an art that fuses together the beauty of the past and yet is new, expressing hope in the rebirth of civilization and the unity of the human race.

"Randy Armstrong and Ken LaRoche have composed some of the brightest contemporary instrumentals this side of the hemisphere." - CD Review

"Superb sound quality delivering compositions with a springing joy." - Digital Audio Magazine

Song Titles:

Ancient Beauty (7:01)
Acoustic Guitar, Alto Flute, Alto Recorder, North Indian Tabla, Percussion

Morocco (4:00)
Moroccan Clay Drums, Mexican Clay Flute, Bolivian Flute, Indian Krishna Flutes, Cameroonian Shakers, Mandile Wood Drums, African Bell, Roto-Toms

Coral and Pearls (1:47)
Mandolin Harp, Indian Bansri Flute

Gathering of the Friends (4:23)
West African Balafon, Indian Krishna Flute, Chinese Temple Blocks, African Bells, Concert Flute, North Indian Tabla, Cameroonian Shakers, Samoan Wood-Block, Agogo, Roto – Toms, Percussion

Phoenix of Love (6:23)
Classical Guitar, Concert Flute

Flowers of the Garden (2:55)
Japanese Biwa, South African Kalimba, Chinese Temple Blocks, Tibetan Tingshaw

Reflections of Mt. Carmel (7:00)
Classical Guitar, Concert Flute, Double Recorders

Glad Tidings (2:33)
High-String Guitar, Soprano recorder

Ancient Beauty All compositions by Randy Armstrong / Ken LaRoche
©1980 Crimson Ark Music, BMI

World fusion music reflecting jazz, classical, folk and worldwide musical influences performed on instruments from around the globe.


Recorded live at the University of Vermont Recital Hall on January 12-14, 1981 after Do'a - Randy Armstrong & Ken LaRoche returned from a 2 month cross-country tour, this album was one of the first digital recordings in the United States. Recorded with the Mitsubishi X-80 Digital Recorder and the NEOTEK Series III Console, this album is sonically spectacular featuring flutes, guitars, balofon, biwa, alto kalimba, tabla and percussion.

Randy Armstrong - Acoustic, Classical and High-String Guitars, Mandolin Harp, Moroccan Clay Drums, West African Balafon, Japanese Biwa

Ken LaRoche - Concert and Alto Flutes, South African Kalimba, Mexican Clay Flute, Bolivian Flute, Krishna Bamboo Flute, Chinese Temple Blocks, African Bells, Soprano and Alto Recorders

Robert Bennett - North Indian Tabla, Cameroonian Shakers, Mandile Wood Drums, Tibetan Tingshaw Bell, Chinese Temple Blocks, Percussion

Bill Kinzie - Cymbals, Wind Chimes, Cowbell, Roto -Toms, Cameroonian Shakers, Samoan Wood Block, Agogo Bell

Do'a - Randy Armstrong and Ken LaRoche - Ancient Beauty

Starting at: $1.29

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