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Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers

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RELEASED: November 11th 2014
LABEL: Red Note Records
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:43:26
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Inspired Music
GENRE: Children's Music

Have you ever taken the time to be kind or share an encouraging word and then watched as the world got bright around you? Then you've experienced bucket filling. It sounds a lot like Red Grammer's music, which is why this collaborated effort works so well. Now children can sing along to Red's joyful, sparkling songs while internalizing the sweet messages of bucket filling. If you are not familiar with bucket filling then you will also want to check out Carol's book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Red has included the sing-along instrumental tracks for every song so that anyone can perform these songs for their school or community.

Red Grammer - Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers

Starting at: $1.29

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